A Frog Blog: Hide, Seek and Sip!
Marilou Suszko, Executive Director
You move into a new house in Vermilion and the previous owner leaves behind a collection of frogs. Garden frogs. An army of ceramic, plastic and metal frogs. Problem is, you have ranidaphobia (yeah, it’s a thing). What do you do?
You could learn to love them; make them someone else’s problem; take them far out into the lake (please don’t); or scatter them around popular walking routes in town and spark some light-hearted social media chatter.
That last idea was one that worked and captured the attention of people walking through town earlier this winter. Multiple frog sitings flew up on social media: “Found one at Main Street Beach,” “Here’s one at the Vermilion Boat Club,” and “Another spotted in the flower boxes at City Hall.” So many frogs.
So many questions, like “Why?”
The answer: Why not!?
Sue Patterson and Lisa Kaplan toast their collective cleverness in finding hiding spots.
It was fun and sweet and a simple way to get people to think about something other than what’s occupied our thoughts lately. It was also the owner’s intention to get people to explore downtown. It might not have been much, but at the end of the day it was everything. [Thanks for being community-minded.]
Main Street was asked to continue the fun and hide the frogs in new locations. Who better to ask than volunteers Lisa Kaplan and Sue Patterson. They walk every morning, explore all parts of Vermilion, and know the best hiding spots.
There are 10 frogs scattered in the historic Harbourtown area. This army of amphibians have spent the last few weeks under the snow but they are beginning to show their green as the temperatures inch toward spring.
We know where they are. You don’t. So, find five and tell us where you spotted them. We’ll give you one of six gift certificates for a coffee or hot chocolate, courtesy of the owner.
Come spring, the frogs will be looking for new hiding spots. Could they come to your neighborhood?
NOTE: Not sure when and not sure who, but the family of frogs all around Vermilion has grown. There are new frogs popping up everywhere.
—Marilou Suszko, Executive Director, Main Street Vermilion
To claim your gift certificate, you can email the locations to mainstreetvermilion@gmail.com or stop in at the Main Street office, Monday-Friday 10AM-4PM.